The Relationship Between Conservation Efforts And Climate Change 


When we think of conservation efforts, we think of projects that try to protect nature against climate change and ecosystem damage. However, very few people talk about the relationship between conservation efforts and climate change. Climate change has been a hot-button issue for the last few years. 

The rate at which our climate is changing is alarming. We feel this change by the very real effects it has been having on our lives. Winters are shorter and less intense. There has been an unprecedented amount of dangerous weather events around the world. This has a massive impact on conservation efforts around the world in different areas. 


One of the rapidly changing sections of our planet is our coastlines. With sea levels rising and the impact of years of unsustainable land use, our coastlines are being washed away at an alarming rate. As permafrost continues to thaw and our oceans swell, there is little else that we can do to halt this besides tackling climate change. Our coastlines are also unique ecosystems that keep the world’s biosphere in balance. 

Without them, we would be thrown out of balance with disastrous consequences. This has a significant impact on seaside communities across the world. Conservation efforts often rely on local communities to adopt conservation practices and carry them out. Without these communities, it would be impossible to ensure that conservation efforts make any lasting impact. They need to carry them forward through to the next generation and so forth indefinitely. 


Wildlife conservation is one of the most well-known among the wider public. Subsequently, wildlife conservation gets a lot of funding to reverse the damage corporations have done to our world. Wildlife across the world is being depleted more rapidly than ever before. Wildlife is vital in ecosystem conservation because every species performs an essential function in the biosphere. Unless they are conserved and steps are taken to inculcate alternatives, it could permanently alter the land. 

One aspect of wildlife conservation is preserving the ecosystem animals live in. Human encroachment and deforestation have also left lesser and lesser land available for conservationists. There are many cold-weather animals like polar bears who will soon be without a home unless we stop and reverse the rise in temperatures soon. 

Data Monitoring 

Climate change has made weather monitoring more critical than ever. Since the weather is changing rapidly, we need to get ahead of what we need to protect. Check out a free forecast and see how the temperature in your area has changed in the past few years. Based on that, you will see how easy it is to predict what parts of the ecosystem need to be fortified. 

Big Data has made it easier than ever to track weather changes. We need to petition governments for closer climate monitoring and tracking systems in place. This also protects communities by forewarning them about severe weather events and giving governments ample time to have emergency infrastructure in place as well. 


Pollination is one of those invisible natural processes that are absolutely critical for the environment. Without pollination, every single large-scale ecosystem conservation effort would fail. Unfortunately, rising temperatures are negatively affecting one of nature’s most critical pollinators – the bees! Bees visit flowers and help them propagate by taking pollen from one flower to another. Without bees, we wouldn’t have flowers, fruits, or vegetables. 

Bees are disappearing more than ever before. This phenomenon has alarmed scientists who have been ringing alarm bells for years. Without bees, our agriculture industry would be brought to its knees, and we would experience extreme food scarcity. One of the biggest causes has been climate change, along with deforestation and human encroachment. Conservation efforts for bees will be ineffective unless steps are taken to combat rising temperatures as there are climate limits in which bees work. 

Viability of Life 

The sustainability of human life depends entirely on climate change. Extreme temperatures are already affecting some of the world’s most impoverished and at-risk communities. When the rising temperature is combined with how much people are polluting, it results in a decreased quality of life across the world. 

Even though the majority of climate change is done by large industries, the short-term profits are vastly outweighed by the long-term damage. Hurricane Harvey cost Texas $125 billion, while Hurricane Sandy cost $71 billion. And these disasters are occurring with increasing frequency. Natural disasters will soon wipe out any profit that is made.