Calling All Reasonable People: Help Sack Myron Ebell as Trump’s Environment Guy

Sack Myron Ebell
Prior to the December 2015 Paris climate summit, “wanted” posters went up in Paris to expose the seven worst lobbyists — Myron Ebell among them — trying to derail the global climate deal.

Given the outcome of the recent U.S. Presidential election, we are launching a new initiative aimed at keeping an eye on the environmental plans, policies and actions of the Trump administration.

Our first order of business is joining the fight to help convince President-elect Trump to sack Myron Ebell as his pick to run the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Ebell believes global warming is a hoax and has dedicated his career to convincing decisionmakers and the American public of the same. He has been with the right-wing think tank Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) since 1999 where he has led the climate change denial campaign funded by ExxonMobil and other fossil fuel interests. A major part of Ebell’s work to date has been producing “news’ releases from CEI on why climate change is not real and not a problem we need to spend time and resources on.

But environmentalists are quick to point out the Ebell has no formal scientific education, makes no claim to be a scientist, and shouldn’t be making decisions about environmental policy based on idealogical grounds alone. If you care about preserving our spot at the table in the Paris climate accord and continuing the Obama administration’s efforts to ratchet down American carbon emissions,