Who Owns the Tides?
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is handing out preliminary permits to pursue a hot new form of “hydrokinetic” energy.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is handing out preliminary permits to pursue a hot new form of “hydrokinetic” energy.
Proposals for wave energy exploration are exploding from the Pacific coast to a small Alaskan village, but there’s little thought given to the long-term environmental consequences.
Some prominent environmentalists say that nuclear power merits reconsideration, but others counter that it will never be a solution to global warming.
I have heard that wind power turbines kill a lot of birds, including migrating flocks, and that some people oppose wind power for that reason. If this is true, to what degree do they harm birds and what is being done about it?
A new generation of socially conscious web-based services provides a new spin on influencing corporate behavior through the clout of consumer spending.
The cases against Florida Power and Light (FP&L) brought by two families whose sons have rare cancers were dismissed without trial in January, nearly three years since filing (see “The Nuke Next Door,” Currents, May/June 2004). U.S. District Judge James Cohn, a Bush appointee known for denying paper voting receipts in Florida and for giving […]
Researchers concluded that there was no clear answer regarding risk, but that extremely low frequency (ELF) EMFs are possible human carcinogens.
Why are so many environmentalists against nuclear power when it’s a reliable way to get emissions–free power 24×7 (unlike solar and wind)?
Wind energy is zero-emissions energy, a renewable resource that is one of our last, best hopes for staving off devastating climate change. Wind energy is the fastest-growing energy source in the world, mushrooming 28 percent annually over the last five years.
Are cancer clusters more likely in populations that live near nuclear power plants? Researchers are starting to think so….