5 Ways To Create A Productive Environment For Student
According to scientific findings, the best classroom environment gives students the freedom to identify significant problems and solve them creatively. In such a classroom, the students don’t feel like they are in school to learn unimportant things, but they see learning as a role to contribute their quota to society.
If you want to create such a learning environment for your student, here are five ways you can do it;
- Include Fun in Your Teaching Method
You have to make learning fun so that you can carry your students along. When you try to choke them with concepts, you may lose them. When discussing climate change, words like greenhouse gasses, ozone layer depletion, and global warming will come up. You will need to find more relatable ways to explain them.
- Build a Safe Learning Environment
When we talk about safety, prevention of danger comes to mind. However, in this context, building a safe environment means an environment where your students feel confident and secure to ask questions, share their thoughts, and express themselves, no matter how weird or crazy they may sound. Your classroom must be a no-judgment zone.
- Reinforce Positive Behaviors
When you notice positive behavior from any of your students, like the strong will and desire to succeed, it’s your duty as the teacher to reinforce such behavior. When you’re able to identify and support your student’s positive behavior, you’ll create a ripple effect in your classroom. Give suggestions on how best a student can put their positive behavior to use. If you notice a student good with writing, you can encourage such a student to take business writing jobs as a freelance writer.
- Be Open to Students’ Feedbacks
Most teachers dislike feedback, probably because feedback reveals areas where we are not very good and exposes our flaws. It’s natural to be like that, but you need to snap out of that defensive shell and be open to your student’s feedback as a teacher. When you properly handle feedback, you quickly build a successful system.
- Encourage Collaboration Among Your Students
There’s the famous saying that; two heads are better than one. It would help if you integrated this principle into your classroom activities to foster productivity. That’s because working in groups can be useful and improve productivity, which is the ultimate classroom goal. Students learn more in groups than individually. Create heterogeneous groups where you mix students with different abilities so that they can complement each other. Learn other ways to do it here.
In Summary
Classroom education is quickly losing its relevance because of the system currently in use. However, we can change the narrative and make young ones fall in love with school again when we change our teaching approach. As a result, we will also record tremendous productivity.