Top 8 Reasons Homeowners Should Switch to Solar Energy

Homeowners are always in search of ways to improve their homes while saving money. This can be rare, but one improvement is guaranteed to give you exactly what you’re seeking: installing solar panels. Solar panels are much more accessible than most people assume, and their cost-saving capabilities are unrivaled. If you’ve been curious about switching the solar, here are the top 8 reasons homeowners should switch to solar energy in 2022:

1. Solar Power is Locally Produced

If you want to support your local community, solar allows you to do just that. Because you’re gaining power directly from solar panels, you’re localizing the energy creation process in an environmentally friendly, and local-economy-boosting manner. With all of the need for more local investments in both social and financial terms, there’s never been a better time to truly go local with your energy by installing solar panels on, or nearby, your home.

2. It Reduces Your Utility Bills and Stabilizes Bill Prices

Are you tired of seeing your utility bills constantly fluctuating? Have you had an energy bill go up more than 50% between months without any clear cause? Many Americans find themselves fed up with the often sketchy nature of traditional fossil-fuel energy companies. The best way to escape this is by switching to solar energy. Solar energy is not only much cheaper than traditional fossil-fuel-reliant energy, but many solar companies do their best to keep your bill the same month after month.

3. Access to Tax Reductions and Generous Incentives

The push for Americans to go solar has been backed by tax incentives and reductions that will save you even more money. There are Solar Investment Tax Credit programs, and other more localized incentive and reduction programs to take advantage of. Some states and cities even offer free solar panel installations to ensure you’re insanely incentivized to install solar panels on or nearby your home.

4. Flexible Financing Options

Because solar companies and local governments are so excited about getting solar panels on more homes, there are incredibly affordable financing options built into the process. Even if your city or town does not have free programs for installation, they likely have flexible financing options that will make the choice a possibility for anyone interested in going solar in 2022. If you’ve ever been curious, now is the best time to take action, as the political and financial benefits available currently are incredibly attractive.

5. Installation is Easy and Accessible

Many people worry that their home is simply not solar compatible. However, this could not be further from the truth, as any home is solar capable. Solar companies and local government agencies are also highly trained in getting solar panels installed in a quick, easy, and highly accessible fashion. The installation process is quick and allows you to transition your home’s energy system in the blink of an eye, so seek out a local Kansas City solar installer as soon as possible.

6. It Adds Value to Your Home

Solar panels not only save you money month to month but also massively build your equity. There’s a higher and higher demand for solar-equipped homes every year, and the trend is showing no signs of stopping. If you want to sell your home in the future, installing solar is one of the best, and most affordable, investments you can make. In some states, solar-equipped homes are now selling twenty percent faster than homes that are still using fossil-fuel-reliant energy sources.

7. Solar Energy Systems are Incredibly Durable

Unlike current energy setups that rely on massive factories and other complex systems, solar is much more straightforward and reliable. Solar panels are durable, and rarely need maintenance to stay functional. Compared to traditional homes, those homes equipped with solar avoid high repair costs and frequent power outages. This quality will prove highly attractive to cost-conscious homeowners who are interested in going solar.

8. You’re Helping to Save the Environment

The planet is relying on us to treat it better, and installing solar panels on your home is a huge step toward environmental progress. Clean energy helps eliminate the harmful damage of fossil-fuel usage, and each home that installs solar panels will make the eco-friendly practices move closer and closer to being the new normal. Once your friends and neighbors hear how much you’re saving, and how much you’re helping the planet, they’ll be much more likely to take this important step themselves.

Here’s to a Solar-Powered Future

With more solar panels installed on homes in the United States, we can save the planet while keeping our bank accounts comfortably stuffed. After understanding the reasons listed above, you’ll be hard-pressed to not give serious thought to switching your home over to solar energy in 2022.